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What Is Post-Concussion Syndrome

Post-concussion syndrome (PCS), or post-concussive syndrome, refers to the lingering symptoms following a concussion or a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). Post-concussion syndrome and neck pain can begin to occur within days of a head injury. However, it can sometimes take weeks for the symptoms to appear. A doctor may diagnose PCS after a TBI by the presence of at least three of the following symptoms:

memory problems
trouble concentrating
sleeping problems
personality changes
sensitivity to noise and light

There’s no single way to diagnose PCS. The symptoms vary depending on the person. A doctor may request an MRI or CT scan to make sure there are no significant brain abnormalities. Rest is often recommended after a concussion. However, it can prolong the psychological symptoms of PCS.


Treatment for PCS focuses on providing symptom relief to help a person manage the condition. Rest is one of the most important components of PCS treatment as it allows the brain to recover and heal from a concussion.

Where possible, doctors often avoid using medication to treat PCS symptoms because an injury to the head can make the brain more sensitive to drug use and possible side effects.

Doctors may advise people to wait several weeks before starting an active treatment, such as an exercise plan or another type of therapy. In addition, suffering multiple concussions in short span of time can significantly worsen symptoms and delay recovery.

People can try a range of different therapies that may help their recovery from PCS. For all of these therapies, a person will work with a medical professional who will monitor their progress and can adjust the treatment plan as necessary to suit them.

Vision therapy

Vision therapy uses a range of exercises to help people who have vision problems due to PCS. The exercises can help repair damage to the visual system or help the brain adapt to changes in connectivity.

Neuro-optometric rehabilitation

Neuro-optometric rehabilitation also works to target any vision problems that people may be experiencing. A treatment plan will combine the use of lenses, prisms, and filters to help stimulate parts of the brain that are not working as usual.

Balance therapy

Balance, or vestibular, therapy can help people if they are experiencing a lot of dizziness as a symptom of PCS. Exercises to encourage balance and stability can help reduce this disorienting symptom.

Physical therapy

If PCS causes physical pain in the body, physical therapy can help relieve symptoms. This therapy might include massage, gentle exercise, and heat therapy to relax the body and aid recovery.

Exertion therapy

Exertion therapy uses gentle aerobic exercise to help the body recover. People might use a pool or a piece of gym equipment, such as a treadmill, that carries minimal risk of head injury.

A medical professional will monitor the individual carefully during this therapy to make sure that they are not overdoing the exercise, which may slow down recovery.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may help people who have mood-related PCS symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, or mood swings.

CBT helps people become aware of negative thought patterns and behavior and provides them with practical tools to overcome these issues.