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Understanding Insomnia And The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care

Insomnia can take a terrible toll on the body. People who suffer from insomnia may experience changes in behavior and mood. Insomnia can also make people feel irritable and depressed, and it can make concentrating and remembering things difficult. Over the long term, lack of sleep can have a negative impact on the immune system and can lead to poor health. If you suffer from insomnia, you probably spend a lot of time overly tired and frustrated.

Chiropractor for insomnia can help. Understanding insomnia, the benefits of chiropractic care, and how chiropractic adjustments can be used to treat your insomnia can help you decide whether chiropractic adjustments are right for you. Here's what you need to know. 

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Insomia Symptoms

The primary symptom is poor quality of sleep. But there’s a lot more to it than that. Here are some of the most frequent symptoms of chronic insomnia, the long-term inability to sleep or to remain asleep:

Lack of energy during the daylight hours
Common bouts of forgetfulness throughout the day
Waking up several times each night and then having a problem getting back to sleep
Trouble going to sleep in the evening
Waking up tired, and feeling like you need more sleep even if you got enough
Recurrent problems maintaining concentration on conversations or your own thoughts
Awaking earlier than you need to, and then having trouble going back to sleep
Experiencing accidents while walking, driving, or working
Having routine bouts of daytime fatigue and excessive sleepiness
Suffering from unexplained bouts of depression
Having difficulty maintaining healthy professional and personal relationships with other people
A lower quality of life
Unexplained mood changes
Performance problems at your job or in the classroom

Remember that most sufferers of insomnia don’t have all these symptoms, but most will display at least one or two of them. The goal is to be on the lookout for changes in your behavior that don’t have any logical explanation. If you can, try to make a list of possible insomnia symptoms you might have experienced. When you speak with a chiropractor, you’ll be able to refer to the list rather than rely on your memory alone.

Chiropractic Care Can Help Treat Insomia

Insomia is the most common diagnosed sleep disorder; it refers to difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, and getting enough sleep to feel rested. Insomnia may be the result of psychiatric and medical conditions, unhealthy sleep habits, using certain substances, and/or certain biological factors. But it’s also important to note that discomfort can contribute to this condition. Chronic neck and back pain are among the many medical conditions that cause insomnia.

Patients seeking help managing the symptoms of insomnia should first be carefully evaluated to identify the source of their sleep disorder. Combined with other therapeutic approaches, chiropractic care can be used to treat insomnia. Recent research suggests there is a link between insomnia and subluxations. Chiropractors can perform targeted adjustments to correct subluxations, or spinal misalignments. High-velocity, low-amplitude manipulation (HVLA) is used to address the areas of joint dysfunction.

This drug-free therapy effectively helps relieve pain and improve sleep quality. Patients immediately feel less pain and notice muscle relaxation. Clinicians also hypothesis that subluxation adjustment helps treat insomnia by balancing the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain.