Acid Reflux, commonly called heartburn or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), is gastric acid that has leaked into the esophageal tract. Gastric acid can cause mild to severe burning sensations in the chest and throat. Some people who suffer from Acid Reflux tend to have a constant bad taste in their mouth and may suffer from bad breath.
Symptoms are most common after eating a meal, especially if lying down immediately after. Additional complaints include nausea, an inability to swallow, feeling as if the throat is blocked, and an acidic taste in the mouth.
The underlying cause of acid reflux has to do with the ability of the digestive system to work without unnecessary outside influences. How can chiropractors treat your acid reflux? A chiropractor may be able to help restore balance throughout the spine and body and promote optimal digestion without onset of acid reflux symptoms.
Studies have shown that an abnormal curvature of the spine has a substantial effect on the development of acid reflux, due to the pressure that is placed on the nerves that innervate the stomach and esophageal system. Nerves are the power source and communication line that is responsible for directing millions of messages a day from the brain to the organs, abnormalities and misalignments in the spine put unnecessary pressure on the nerves coming out of the spine.
Nerve interference inhibits the necessary amount of nerve energy that an organ requires to properly function, if not corrected the stomach and its functions can malfunction and eventually cause disease such as GERD.
Many people attempt to take medications or go on a diet to eliminate their discomfort and symptoms which may provide temporary relief; however, this does not address the root problem of nerve interference. A subluxation-based Chiropractor may be the answer as this is the professional trained to analyze and remove nerve interference caused by spinal misalignment.